Pre-history and Early Civilizations

Pre-history and Early Civilizations

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Place of Setting Author Title Notes
China Liang, Ann A Song to Drown Rivers Fifth century BCE — girl seeks to avenge her sister
Egypt George, Margaret The Memoirs of Cleopatra Based on the life of the last Egyptian Pharoah in the first century BCE
Egypt Moran, Michelle Nefertiti Based on the wife of Pharoah Amunhotep in the 1300’s BCE
Europe Auel, Jean The Clan of the Cave Bear Cro-magnon girl adopted by a Neandertal medicine woman. The series continues with five more books.
Europe Haggith, Mandy The Walrus Mutterer Adventures of a Scottish healer enslaved by a trader in 4th century BCE
Greece Atwood, Margaret The Penelopiad The Odyssey re-told through the eyes of Penelope
Greece Barker, Pat The Silence of the Girls The Iliad from the POV of captured women
Greece Beutner, Katharine Alcestis A re-imagined story of Alcestis, who gave her life in exchange for her husband’s
Greece Haynes, Natalie The Children of Jocasta Story of Jocasta (mother/wife of Oedipus) and their daughter Ismeme
Greece LeGuin, Ursula Lavinia The story of the second wife of Aeneas
Greece Miller, Madeline Circe In The Odyssey, Circe was the “witch” woman who turned Odysseus’s men into pigs. Who was she really?
Greece Mitchison, Naomi The Corn King and the Spring Queen 228 BCE — the forced marriage of the Corn King and the Spring Queen sets off a series of quests by both women and men
Greece Wolf, Christa Cassandra Retells the story of the Iliad from the perspective of Cassandra
Greece Wolf, Christa Medea A modern retelling of the legend of Medea
Mediterranean Fortier, Anne The Lost Sisterhood Adventures of an Amazon queen alternate with modern-day scholar researching Amazon women.
Middle East Diamant, Anita The Red Tent Events of the Old Testament told through the eyes of Dinah, daughter of Leah and Jacob
Middle East Marmery, Nikki Lilith Lilith, first wife of Adam, from the Garden of Eden to Jesus’ time
Middle East and Europe Warner, Marina The Leto Bundle Ancient times to present — follows the story of Leto, a Greek goddess and mortal woman
North America Wood, Barbara Sacred Ground Ancient times to present – fictional Native American tribe in California
Worldwide Wood, Barbara The Blessing Stone Eight linked stories of world history, from pre-history to the 1800s